Thursday, February 10, 2011

Art! NYC Goals!

I need to be more proactive about pursuing my art. I've always had a certain aversion toward trying to make money from my writing and my art, believing that to do so would somehow degrade and pollute my work and make it more "business-like." After all, to sell, my work has to not only be palatable but somehow appealing... I have to produce something that someone actually wants to consume. Being marketable has never been my priority.

And yet, obviously writing and art are passions of mine... so I've lately been writing more, trying to get published, and I am hoping that the rejection letters and e-mails piling in are only a sign that I've (almost) paid my dues and something is bound to get published soon! And, I am still trying to get my act together with my art... It's not doing much good just lying in books under my bed, after all.

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