On Tuesday I saw Eve Ensler give a talk at the Russian Tea Room. She is truly an inspiring, incredible and powerful woman. Once I get that next paycheck, I am going to contribute to V-Day, "A Global Movement to End Violence Against Women and Girls Worldwide". Her stories were truly both frightful and awe-inspiring and speak volumes about both the endurance of women and the extent to which patriarchy continues to exert its powerful force throughout the world. I am looking forward to reading her new book, I am an Emotional Creature: The Secret Life of Girls Around the World.
Wednesday evening was a bit more light-hearted. I went to see Fujiya and Miyagi play at Santos Party House, with openers Project Jenny, Project Jan and Body Language. Despite the hail, thunder and lightning outside, the show managed to lure a big crowd and entice some soul-clapping dancing.
(pictured above, singer Jeremy Haines of Project Jenny, Project Jen)
And Thursday I had a little culinary adventure in the West Village, starting at Café Angelique in the West Village and then splurged at Il Cantuccio Bakery, a very authentic Italian bakery and cafe specializing in divine biscotti (that also happens to be oil-free).
With a week like this, who knows what the weekend will bring. Though definitely time with friends.